He dispenser 100 pellets
Especially for real men….
A man is of the stronger sex and is never wrong. That's why they never need anything. But sometimes life is not easy and it seems like you are going upstream. You have worked hard for years or you suddenly feel a bit older. Or you have a big project to realize, you don't really dare to go to the management to say your thoughts ...
As a teenager, nobody understands you anymore, and things don't really go smoothly at school. You take everything they say to you wrong and you fly away at the slightest contradiction ...
You can't tell anyone, but you feel quite lonely and demotivated ...
“Hey” can help you, especially in combination with “Support” you will achieve amazing results!
"Hey" gives you patience and balance again, makes you fall in love with life again.
Indications: Support for all male complaints such as burnout, midlife crisis, fear of failure, puberty, ...
E.g. Psychological and physical excitement and tightness - restlessness - tension - also:
- abuse of coffee, tobacco, alcohol ...
- helps to quit smoking
- nervous heart problems and palpitations
- fear of having a seizure
- improves blood flow
Use: Melt 1 grain in the mouth.
Repeat as needed and depending on the seriousness of the situation.
For example: 3 x 1 grain per day.
Maintenance dose: 1 x 1 grain per day, eg in the evening. Misuse is excluded.
Age: can be at all ages; usually required from puberty.
Effect is not impaired by coffee, mint, alcohol, etc.
Can be perfectly combined with SUPPORT.
HE can also be used in all male animals:
Use: in small animals: dissolve in the drinking bowl, in large animals: place on the side in the lip and also a few granules in the drinking water.
They cannot be misused and they have a very special value.
Lactose, 100% naturally prepared according to the revolutionary "Ven - method" with Alfons Ven Remedies (based on plants and minerals).
Packaging: Dispenser with about 100 granules.
Responses: Improvement can be felt immediately or quickly. Gives decisiveness!