Webshop » Alfons Ven MSP's » STU 28 - days MSP

STU 28 - days MSP

STU STU 28 - days MSP

€ 90.00


Students (also possible if you are not studying of course)
For a clear mind
Nerve strengthening - orders the mind
Improves concentration - clarifies consciousness
Contributes to brain development
Growth, not only physically but also harmoniously
(gives a different and broader view on life)
Balanced in stressful situations
For better learning performance
At exam tension
Supports the construction of nerve cells
Personality becomes clear
Beneficial effect on sleep function
Energy flow => more mental energy
Feeling wronged (absolutely cannot stand injustice)
When you are bullied (because of your appearance, origin or religion, ..)
Gives decisiveness - willpower - vitality
Brings you into balance
Purifies the skin during puberty
Teaches you to know when to speak and when not to
when you can say yes and when no,
when to act and when not to.
Not being able to sit still
Good for the memory - not being able to get out of your words
To stay “up to date”